Oral Survey #36

By Raia Fink

Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 18:55:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Long time, no ORAL SURVEY

note: it's been days!! literally. didja miss me? Unfortunately, this
computer is too too slow to be putting out dailey ORAL SURVEYS
anyhow, there aren't too many prewritten ones left. So, I'll try
and do something about that, and you all try to enjoy lapsing
ORAL SURVEYS as much as humanly possible. Also, any and all
recommendations and submissions for future surveys are appreciated.

ORAL SURVEY: answer the following questions aloud.

Part: 10 commandments (the type to live bye? nah...)

1. Donde esta la biblioteca?

a) in su anno
b) a la maison
c) Madamme Toussade's Wax Museum
d) Morocco and/or Suisse Venezuela

2. All Americans are:

a) Pushy
b) Taxi-drivers
c) melon ballers
d) carpet baggers
e) touchy feely

3. Witchcraft may or may not be:

a) an stairway to heaven
b) Satan's spawn
c) The key to the gate to the garden to the house that jack built.
d) an guild

4. What if?

5. Over the river and through the woods:

a) to your mom's mother's humble abode we go
b) is a disqualifier
c) is a hymn of relative certainty
d) is the absolute worst route to Rome

6. Fill in the Blanks (orally, of course)

, , , , , ; "" ..., !!! %##@!, .

Thank you for participating in ORAL SURVEY. Please come again
#238 "Play office politics"--Life's Little De-struction Book
that's especially if the beach is your office, and retards happen to be
your main clientel, BeckyII.
I like to play office politics too, though I hold no job.

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